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Long road needs a good mood

According to most research, Did you know that the overall mood of the driver is one of the most important reasons for reducing accident ratios so deeply? so that’s an effective matter you should take into consideration as a top priority, therefore to contribute In making a good mood for the driver on our roads inside the Kingdom or anywhere you are responsible for, so if good mood exists that’s mean less accidents, more vision for drivers, more safety traffic but the good mood is the main key for sure.

Custom - good mood

Our Company's contributions to creating good mood on the Road

We at Shawahid Co. consider that the comfort, safety, and security standards on the road are the number one aspect that makes drivers feel safe and comfy so they can have a safe trip according to their good mood, We are keen to contribute directly to maintain of all the above in our products and our service to you distinctively and exclusively, Below we show you part of some products that serve to create a good mood.

Road studs affect the good mood

Road studs play a crucial role in improving road safety and enhancing the good mood of drivers. They increase road visibility, especially during adverse weather conditions such as fog or rain. The bright reflective material used in road studs reflects a car’s headlights, making it easier for drivers to see the road ahead. This is especially important on motorways and dual carriageways, where the speed of vehicles is much higher. Road studs also help to guide drivers and contribute to keeping them in a good mood, particularly at night, making it easier for them to stay on the correct side of the road, In addition to improving road safety and the good mood of the driver, road studs also help to reduce the number of road accidents. Studies have shown that roads with road studs have a lower number of accidents compared to roads without them. This is because drivers can see the road more clearly and are better able to stay on the correct side of the road, We at Shawahid Co. design, apply, and supply 4 types of road studs (Ceramic, Glass, Aluminum, and Solar) to match any of road designs and serve the good mood of drivers.

Studs - good mood

Reflectors give vision and good mood

While you are walking through long roads and have a sight of reflectors, it will give you for sure good mood, so a good mood affects and reply to your good vision so you would have a safe journey, These are a vital and effective component of road design. Their presence is essential in barriers of all kinds, whether concrete, metal, or other, characterized by the presence of reflective films that absorb and reflect light at angles that determine the driver’s vision and definition of ends, deviations, and files of the road, that makes driver feels safe and comfort and create a good mood and that will serve fewer accidents.

Reflectors - good mood

Road signs combination gives good mood

Here we are talking about road signs, especially Gantry and Cantilever, beautiful signs ahead of highway roads give you good mood, which we also call road titles, it has big effect on leading drivers to the right way, and decreasing the misleading, they are placed alongside the road. We all use gantries that indicate for each lane the direction without arrows and use a stack-type for the cantilevers.

Once drivers know from those road signs they are on the right destination and estimated time to reach, that will affect their good mood.

Gantry - good mood

Road barriers safe good mood

Feeling safe gives good mood, so simply if you see along your sight on the road that your way is protected with lanes and barriers that will give you a good mood and relief, then we surely suggest our Gaurdrail and Megarail with reflectors attached in it, making your way safe and well organized and that give drivers good mood and encourage them to drive safely.

barriers - good mood


Raptor provides you with the necessary protection system within the city or on external roads, saves vehicles, and makes drivers feel good mood.

It is installed to protect lighting poles and trees, with a high capacity to absorb shocks to maintain the safety of the driver and passengers, it has a civilized sight that gives a good mood

Raptor - good mood

Our vision and mission

Simply if know that I am on the right road that will give me a good mood, so we at Shawahid Industrial Roads Company are always aiming to apply traffic safety standards. This also contributes greatly to achieving the goal we addressed in this article, which is to create a good mood for drivers. This is our vision to achieve traffic safety.

We ask your attendees to never hesitate to request our assistance and all our products to achieve traffic safety and create a good mood for your care and citizens.

To know more about our products and need more valuable information please contact us

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