Solar energy Saudi Arabia achieve traffic success

Solar energy Saudi Arabia achieves traffic success

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Solar energy Saudi Arabia became a key trend in achieving Vision 2030, so it integrated into traffic safety systems, realizing high efficiency and quality.

At Shawahid Industrial Roads Co., we were keen to use solar energy in our systems to achieve Saudi Arabia’s traffic safety vision. Before explaining the quality of those systems, we will discuss the importance of solar energy in achieving Vision 2030.

Why is solar energy Saudi Arabia important?

First of all, we know that solar energy is a renewable clean energy, that the world is moving to use as an alternative to energy generated from greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which greatly affects the environment.

Therefore, using clean energy has become Saudi Arabia’s current trend. According to Vision 2030, it reflects sustainability and enables a better life in a clean environment.

Solar energy, in particular, has gotten much attention in more than one field, including “traffic safety”. In addition to sustainability and preserving the environment, solar energy is economical and doesn’t cost the country an external energy source or a lot of money.

In addition to several other benefits, known as Sustainable Development Goal 7.

Why is solar energy in Saudi Arabia important?

Solar Energy Saudi Arabia is making a splash

In traffic safety, Saudi Arabia has utilized solar energy and incorporated it into its traffic safety systems. Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Transportation and Logistics were able to overcome a large percentage of traffic accidents at a large number of intersections across the KSA, by equipping these intersections with solar-powered light poles. 

Thus, Saudi Arabia has been able to achieve three things:

  • Eliminating traffic accidents.
  • Saving lives.
  • Achieving sustainability and preserving the environment.
Solar energy in Saudi Arabia is making a splash

Solar energy Saudi Arabia and traffic safety systems

At Shawahid, we design traffic safety systems to preserve the environment and maximize safety towards Vision 2030.

Solar Traffic Signs

With the aim of continuous improvement, we enhanced the role of traffic signs by adding a panel of solar cells above the traffic sign. The solar cells store as much energy as possible during the day and then start working at night.

The panel converted solar energy into electrical energy, which illuminates the high-quality LEDs in the shape of the traffic symbol. The LEDs alert drivers to the symbol and road sign from a distance of 200 meters and prevent driver distraction. They can be customized to alert the driver’s leg with 40-60 flashes per minute.

In addition to several features that enhance the performance of the signs.

Solar energy in Saudi Arabia
Solar energy in Saudi Arabia

Solar Road Studs

In the same way, a panel of solar cells was added to the top of the well-known road studs, and LEDs were added to the front and back of the cat eyes to light up efficiently without an external source of illumination, thus clarifying road edges and separating its lanes to avoid deviating from the road or accidents. 

Due to its battery, it can work for 48 hours without fail, even in the absence of the sun.

Solar energy in Saudi Arabia
Solar energy in Saudi Arabia

Solar energy Saudi Arabia has become a necessity 

As we explained how the KSA has been concerned with the application of renewable energy in traffic safety. So Shawahid has followed this path, concerned as always with quality, efficiency, and conformity to international specifications in its systems.

So we guarantee you the best performance when ordering traffic safety systems through our means available to you.

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