Highway GuardRails

Guardrails are made of metal and intended to protect roadsides, medians, and crossroads.

Highway GuardRails are longitudinal barriers protecting the sides of the roads, medians, and forks in roads. they primarily used to protect vehicle occupants from swerving off the road or onto incoming traffic. This technique prevents casualties, major injuries, and extensive property damage.

This product was designed to protect drivers of heavy vehicles from road edges. The rails have passed European safety standard tests on different speeds . Guardrails have been classified as excellent crash barriers according to global safety standards.


Technical Specifications of Highway GuardRails:


Uses of Highway GuardRails:

  • Roadsides, medians, and fork roads.


Features of Highway GuardRails:

  • Various sizes for specific speeds (50 – 80 – 100 – 110 Km/h, etc.).
  • Large and parallel sizes.
  • Modern design.
  • Easy maintenance after crashes due to joint parts and sections.


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Highway GuardRails
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