Saudi cities and innovative traffic safety

Saudi cities and innovative traffic safety

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The world is moving toward evolution in everything for this reason Saudi cities shifting to smart cities which have deployed with a big focus on infrastructure development and using innovative techniques on the road to keep traffic safe, protect the environment, and keep people safe, additionally making these Saudi cities better than others.

One of the things that gets attention in smart and Saudi cities is traffic safety which relies on modern technologies and innovative systems, therefore, we want to give more gaudiness about smart cities and their traffic safety policies.

Smart Saudi cities and their characteristics

A city is a place that provides services to citizens, and the better and easier the services that citizens receive, the more innovative these cities become, which are called smart cities. 

Saudi cities have shifted to be smart cities that depend on innovative technology and modern systems that work to protect the environment and make life easier in all aspects and can rely on phone applications in this matter, and due to their effective role, it is not possible to determine the benefits that smart Saudi cities cause from the economic side . As a result, Saudi Arabia is working to be ready by 2030 to shift all Saudi cities to smart cities. 

What makes smart Saudi cities special in traffic safety?

In recent years, we have faced many issues regarding traffic safety in cities, including traffic jams, accidents, and environmental pollution, which affects the population’s safety. According to the World Health Organization, traffic accidents cause 1.19 million deaths annually, and between 20 and 50 people are injured.

In recent years, we have faced many issues regarding traffic safety in cities, including traffic jams, accidents, and environmental pollution, which affects the population’s safety. According to the World Health Organization, traffic accidents cause 1.19 million deaths annually, and between 20 and 50 people are injured.

Therefore, the shift of Saudi cities towards smart cities has become a necessity for traffic safety and the psychological safety of people, as they make traffic movement faster and easier, as well as using developed technological systems to protect the environment and reduce costs in Saudi cities, such as relying on solar energy, which saves electricity, and developing systems to protect people and the road as well.

Innovated traffic safety systems in smart Saudi cities

Shawahid Industrial Roads Company has developed many products used in Saudi cities, which have an important role related to lives and the environment as mentioned before, we will show you below some of the systems used in Saudi cities and will be effective in smart cities:

Solar systems in Saudi cities

These systems depend on taking the sun’s energy during the day and storing it so that it can be used at night until the sun rises again. They are cost-effective and highly efficient as they work even if the electricity supply is out.

Solar traffic signs

They are poles and signs with a solar panel on top, they are resistant to weather conditions and have an effective role in smart and Saudi cities as they are equipped with a device that alerts drivers.

Solar road sign - Traffic Accident - traffic safety - Shawahid

Solar road studs

Storing the sun’s energy during the day is done with a solar panel with each piece of illuminated cat eyes and a shielded circuit underneath the solar panel. The cat’s eyes illuminate roads and mark their paths during nighttime periods. Gives an attractive appearance in smart Saudi cities.

Solar road Studs - Traffic accidents - traffic safety


This type of innovative system is used in Saudi cities because it has a dual benefit: it protects people if they crash into poles or trees on the road with minimal damage to vehicles, and it maintains the pole without the need to replace or remove it, which reduces costs in smart cities.

Raptor crash cushion - saudi cities

Safety Roller Barriers

These barriers are the future of roadside barriers in Saudi cities as smart cities, they consist of shock-absorbing roller systems designed to turn vehicles back again to their road with minimal damage.

They can rotate and are made of highly flexible materials when a collision occurs, they rotate around their center and dissipate a great part of the collision energy. 

So these barriers are effective in Saudi cities and will be used in smart cities.

Safety roller barriers - Shawahid co.

Shawahid Co. supports Saudi cities with latest developments

In conclusion, we always seek to keep up with the changes that occur around the world about traffic safety so we develop and issue many systems, some of which we mentioned above, which move Saudi cities towards smart cities. And because individuals are also interested in this shift to smart cities, we had to take care of this aspect and provide it easily, as you can get these systems and others by contacting us at:                   

Contact Number: +966590177041                     WhatsApp: +966581115596

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