About Traffic Accidents on World Disasters Reduction Day

traffic accidents - traffic safety - Shawahid Industrial road Co.

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When we mention World Disasters Reduction Day, our minds go directly to natural disasters, because of the extreme deaths they cause, forgetting about traffic accidents without traffic safety system, which often cause disasters as well, as traffic deaths amount to 1.19 million deaths per year according to the World Health Organization, which are caused by some natural disasters

Disasters resulting from accidents also cause great losses to the families of the individuals and the country, due to the lack of productivity of the injured persons and the loss of other individuals and economic losses due to the cost of treatment, as traffic accidents cost 3% of GDP in most countries. 

The Importance of World Disasters Day

World Disasters Reduction Day is necessary to remind the world of global disasters and the deaths resulting from them, including accidents, and thus global efforts to reduce traffic injuries to solve traffic safety issues

This day can also be used to educate drivers about the importance of traffic safety that they must follow to reduce accidents, as we mentioned in a previous article, and encourage officials to make roads safer, thus ensuring greater protection for passengers and drivers to achieve traffic safety

traffic accidents -traffic safety system

Relation between the World Disaster Reduction Day and traffic accidents

Traffic accidents are one of the disasters that can’t be ignored, as the United Nations announced that traffic fatalities reach 1.35 million people annually, between the ages of 5 and 29, and 90% of accidents occur in low- and middle-income countries. Natural disasters affect traffic safety, putting people at risk, including Sandstorms that affect desert roads and cause major accidents, as well as air storms and heavy rains that make visibility unclear and almost impossible, especially at night

Therefore, the sustainable development plan that most countries and the United Nations are seeking to achieve Vision 2030 is to reduce the number of deaths by half by 2030, and countries have started to work on this issue, as the progress made in achieving this goal is 3.6, but it is not enough

traffic accidents -traffic safety system

Traffic Safety Systems reduce traffic accidents

Traffic safety systems are used to reduce accidents, as natural disasters vary from region to region according to many factors

traffic accidents in Sandstorm disasters

Sandstorms are a great danger to traffic safety, as sand crawling helps to accumulate sand on the road, which causes difficulty in the movement of cars or lack of control of the car and collision. Therefore, Shawahid Industrial Roads Company has designed the MegaSrail barriers, which is one of the advanced road barriers

as its unique design works to prevent the accumulation of sand on the barrier itself so that it can’t be buried by sand and thus performs its role with high efficiency in desert areas as it works to absorb collision energy and redirect the vehicle again upon collision, which enhances traffic safety by protecting passengers with minimal damage to the cars, and Megasrail barriers have been tested by MASH standards and are completely safe

traffic accidents -traffic safety system
traffic accidents -traffic safety system

Heavy Rains

Driving at night is one of the most difficult and life-threatening situations because of the many challenges involved. Storms and heavy rains at night make it even more difficult and dangerous, and many accidents occur in these situations, which is why many accidents occur in these cases. As a result, Shawahid Industrial Roads Company has designed several systems to enhance traffic safety in these situations

Solar Road Signs

This is an innovative system from Shawahid because it combines solar technology with traffic signs as the solar cells store solar energy throughout the day and start working at night and in difficult weather conditions until the next morning. These signs ensure clear visibility due to the high-quality LEDs equipped with a flash system to alert drivers

Solar Road Studs

This type of road stud is used to increase visibility by improving road illumination and determining its dimensions, due to its illumination at night without the need for an external energy source, as it is equipped with a solar panel that stores solar energy during the day and works from after sunset until the next day. It is an innovative technology that clarifies vision in bad weather conditions

Safety Roller Barriers

These barriers have been designed and developed by Shawahid Industrial Roads Company to increase road safety. Safety Roller Barriers consist of cylinders arranged next to each other along the barrier. Talking about visibility, these cylinders in Safety Roller Barriers are featured with reflective films on them to clarify the visibility of the road edges and barrier to enhance traffic safety, in addition to their main role in absorbing shocks, as when collisions occur, these rollers rotate, absorbing the energy of the impact and returning the vehicle to the road again without causing any injury to the passengers

Traffic accidents - solar road sign - traffic safety - Shawahid
traffic accidents -traffic safety system
safety roller road barrier - Mash systems

The perfect solution to eliminate traffic accidents during disasters

As we mentioned above, we remember World Disasters Reduction Day every year to remind us of the importance of traffic safety on the part of both individuals and officials and the major part of the responsibility for traffic safety in cases of natural disasters falls on officials by protecting roads with traffic safety systems to minimize accidents, so Shawahid Industrial Roads Company has designed and developed highly efficient traffic safety systems as we explained to reduce accidents in cases of natural disasters

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