how to use safety road at Road Intersection

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Road Intersection collisions are a major concern for both drivers and pedestrians everywhere. With the increasing number of vehicles on the road and the constant flow of traffic at intersections, it is important to understand the causes and potential solutions to these accidents and why safety roads on Road intersection

Road Intersection collisions understand

Intersection collisions are a major concern regarding road safety, as these accidents happen when vehicles travelling in different directions intersect at a Road Intersection, often leading to serious consequences. Promoting safety through Road Intersection is critical to reducing the number of collisions and protecting the lives of drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

Navigating Road Intersections is difficult, especially during rush hour. The convergence of multiple vehicles approaching from different directions creates a complex environment where split-second decisions must be made. Factors such as distracted driving, speeding, and failure to yield the right of way often contribute to collisions at Road Intersections, and without safety systems on Road intersections, it can get worse.

Road Intersection collisions understand -

Common causes of Road Intersection crashes

  • Driver distraction
  • Poor visibility
  • Failure to yield
  • excessive speed
  • Lack of safety roads on Road Intersections
  • Poorly designed Road Intersections
Common causes of Road Intersection crashes

Contributions Shawahid Industrial Road Co.

Shawahid Co. is contributing greatly to maintaining traffic safety by providing many safety products, especially products related to safety roads on Road intersections, including:

Crash Cushion Systems

Shawahid Group offers top-quality Crash Cushion Systems that are designed to absorb shock and reduce impact force, protecting vehicle occupants and the area behind the cushions from any possible damage, So it’s one of the most important safety systems on Road intersection

Road Intersection -Crash Cushion Systems

Aluminum Road Studs

Aluminum Road Studs are made of tough and shock-resistant aluminium alloy. This type of Road Studs contains reflective material, these materials reflect the lighting of the moving vehicles and are used to mark the road and make a sound to attract attention when passing on them, which makes the vehicle’s driver more attentive. So it’s one of the most important safety systems on Road intersection

Aluminum Road Studs-Road Intersection

Illuminated Traffic Light Poles

Illuminated Traffic Light Poles that work in perfect harmony with traffic lights by means of LED lighting systems installed on traffic light poles, reduce the possibility of drivers ignoring or not seeing traffic lights, reducing the incidence of traffic accidents associated with ignoring or not paying attention to traffic lights. So it’s one of the most important safety systems on Road intersection

Illuminated Traffic Light Poles -Road Intersection

Luminous Tiles

Roundabouts are often placed at intersections, but if the roundabout is not visible, the car can crash into the roundabout itself, so visibility is supported by a set of light bulbs to show the boundaries of the roundabout to reduce the possibility of a collision.

Luminous Tiles -Road Intersection

Solar Traffic Signs

Traffic signs are always preferred to warn of the presence of an upcoming intersection as an additional factor to increase the alert, and solar-powered panels can be added to enable the vehicle driver to recognize the panel in low weather conditions and thus support traffic safety.

Solar Traffic Signs -Road Intersection

Finally, it remains for us to praise what Shawahid Industrial Roads is doing in producing a range of traffic safety systems that are used in all roads intersections and others with perfect quality, high durability and long life span to be proud that they are Saudi products of international quality that truly contribute to the future of traffic safety. 

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